ADS-A 2020 Tokyo 2040: Toward More Livable, Sustainable and Healthier Future – Nakano Station North –
The aggravation of global environmental, social, economic, political and health issues as well as the emergence of new technologies such as AI and autonomous cars require us to change the way to design cities and buildings. Cities need to be designed more diverse, compact and well-connected with street networks and public transit systems. Districts and buildings need to be designed to accommodate a variety of human activities and to be more responsive to the local environment, context and culture.
The entire design studio will be focused on Nakano 4-chome, on the north side of Nakano Station. In this area, major redevelopment projects are happening, which include the construction of a new station over railroad tracks, a pedestrian passage connecting the north and south sides of railroad tracks, a new station plaza, the relocation of the Nakano City Hall, and the demolition of Nakano Sun Plaza.
The focused area consists of 4 specific areas; (A) Nakano Station New North Exit Area, (B) New North Exit East Area,(C) New North Exit West Area, and (D) City Hall Area. The surroundings of these areas are very diverse with a variety of land uses such as single-family homes, multi-family houses, retail stores in various scales, civic buildings, office buildings, university campuses and so forth. Nakano Broadway located at the terminus of Nakano Sun Mall, a major shopping mall, in Nakano 5-chome is famous for its successful small-scale shops for sub-culture goods and attracts many “otaku” people. University campuses and office buildings newly built in Nakano 4-chome district attract many students and office workers to this area. The urban fabric in this area is also unique: buildings have a wide range of different scales and different street & block patterns are juxtaposed.
The purpose of this studio is to develop proposals for visions and associated physical environment in both urban and architectural scale that create a more livable, sustainable and healthier new central district in Nakano that will lead the times at the turning point of the times.