International Program in Architecture and Urban Design
I-AUD was established in 2013 to enhance globally active professionals at Meiji University, Nakano campus.
It is a first program to educate advanced architecture and urban design in English in Tokyo.
We aim students skillful planners and designers who can act globally and professionally.
Program: 2 years (4 semesters)
Language: English
Degree: Master of Architecture, Master of Engineering in Architecture, Master of Arts in Architecture
Globally qualified professional degree with JABEE’s system recognition from UIA (International Union of Architects) shall be validated from 2014 graduates. Two-year professional degree for those with a bachelor of Art, Engineering and bachelor of Philosophy
Global Network
Educating Architects & Urban Designers active in the World
- Necessity of the Interdisciplinary Perspectives to Realize the Low Carbon Society
- Necessity of the Global Perspectives to Address the International and Local Issues
- Necessity of the Personal Networks in the Global Market
Providing Interdisciplinary Education in Architecture and Urban Design
- Interactive Programs through Studios, Workshops, and Discussions
- Various Opportunities of Learning Provided through the Cooperation with Universities in the World
- Programs Granting Globally Qualified Professional Degree from UIA (from 2014 graduates)
Providing various job and study opportunities based on the Intellectual Platform
- Assisting International Students in Working at Design Firms in Japan
- Accepting International Students from Overseas Partner Institutions
- Providing Various Job Opportunities Utilizing Global Perspectives, Human Networks and Communication Skills
1st Semester
Advanced Design Studio A
Advanced Architectural Design
Advanced Urban Design
Urban & Architectural History
Independent Study A (optional)
Architecture and Urban Design Studies 1
2nd Semester
Advanced Design Studio B
Advanced Sustainable Design
Advanced Project Management
Independent Study B (optional)
Architecture and Urban Design Studies 2
3rd Semester
Advanced Design Studio C
Architecture and Urban Design Studies 3
4th Semester
Architecture and Urban Design Studies 4
Master Thesis/Project
International Partner Institutions
University of Oregon (UO)
L’école nationale supérieure d’architecture de Paris La Villette (ENSAPLV)
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST)
Chulalongkorn University (CU)
National University of Singapore (NUS)
Housing Service
・Please visit our website at:
(Japanese Only)
Department of Architecture, School of Science and Technology,
International Program in Architecture and Urban Design (I-AUD), Meiji University
4-21-1, Nakano-ku, Nakano Tokyo 164-8525 Japan