I-AUD | International Program in Architecture and Urban Design

ADS-B 2019 Split Studio, Davisi Boontharm

Urban intensities: space, time and pleasures of everyday life

“First life, then spaces, then buildings. The other way around never works.”
Jan Gehl

Contemporary urban design has tried to account for the satisfaction of the human experience and quality of life. Many cities try to include the health and well-being issues into the planning and urban design policy to improve the physical environment and decrease risks associated with their everyday activities. The Split studio is interested in how urban and architectural design can foster equity and well-being of the community.

Apart from the learning objectives stated in the ADS_B course syllabus the Split studio encourages students to conduct a research approach to urban design
-Enhance contextual understanding of the local context with the global pressure
-Perform an explorative design through an intensive design workshop
-Participate in intensive collaborative work as well as individual interpretation
-Develop particular skill in open space and landscape design of water edges

Design Brief
Split studio is continuing the focus on the intensities of space, time and pleasure of everyday life, bringing what students have achieved from the reopening the Split case workshop into strategic thinking and spatial design. Students are required to make a strategic thinking and design proposal for public facilities which support the good urban life for all citizen.
The starting point can be from any scale. We would like to see the continuation and relevance with the results from Reopening the Split Case workshop and how the individual student benefit from that and develop his or her own design thinking.
Inspired by Gehl’s statement, which emphasis in public life first, then public space then buildings, this studio attempts to approach urban design through identifying the quality of public life and what kind of public space that could shape these activities and define the forms that allow those spaces to flourish.

split studio 2019 ZIN
split studio 2019 anthea
split studio 2019 seiko baba