workshop 2019 Split Workshop
Reopening the Split Case:
Urban Intensities, space, time and pleasure of everyday life, architecture + urban design research workshop in Split, Croatia.
Is there “an architecture devoted to life, to happiness, to voluptuousness, to joy?” – Henri Lefebvre
This workshop focuses at complex totalities which make cities – cities. The particular emphasis is on the taken for granted and,thus, neglected, forgotten depths of pleasure latent in everyday life. The Split Case gets reopened not to seek solutions and find a quick fix for perceived problems, but to seek questions about the quality of life which emerge from an acknowledgement of the possibility of sapience. The starting point is an argument in favour of the right and need to activate the overlooked, forbidden knowledge, including those of the flesh, and for their incorporation into the processes of thinking, making and living cities.
Our objectives were both (re)searching the existing pleasures of everyday life and (re)imagining new kinds and levels of quality in Split, within the framework of the right to the city, the quality of life beyond bounds of consumption.