ADS-B 2017 Brussels Studio, Manuel Tardits & Hiroyuki Sasaki
“Rehabilitation of a Waterfront: Bruxelles-Charleroi Canal at Biestebroeck quay in Anderlecht”
The region of Brussels capital city (RBC) is establishing a new overall development plan (Plan directeur) of the whole area of the canal Bruxelles-Charleroi. The canal is a major infrastructure which is crossing the entire urban area from north to south. The priority concern for the region is to implement a new sustainable policy of the water fronts. Within this large urban transformation we have chosen the area of the quay of Biestebroeck in the municipality of Anderlecht which is part of Brussels-Capital Region. Design will have to establish new possibilities of connecting the city fabric and its waterside, create relations between the two sides of the canal, and propose a variety of functions (housing, public and educational facilities) allowing to rehabilitate and renovate a former industrial area.
This studio is designed with the intention that upon completion of this course, students will be able
to conduct thorough existing conditions analysis in regional, district and block/building scales
to understand how cities are conformed with a variety of elements including districts, neighborhoods, streets, blocks and buildings
to develop a thoughtful, functional and sustainable vision and district framework
to develop a project program and building design that well respond to the vision and the envisioned future.
to propose specific architectural design that well respond to its surrounding context
to produce a complete set of final products that appropriately represent the intent of proposal
This design studio is necessary for the achievement of (I) Ethics and Conceptual Ability, (J) Technical and Design Expertise, (M) Communication and Coordination Abilities, and (N) International Ability.