ADS-B 2020 Sano Studio, Shingo Masuda
Iga-cho Sanctuary
Central city of Sano holds many vacant houses. We find value and give roles to nature there, the things that have already been created, and the things that are easily available here. Through this studio assignment, the ability to envision the future five years from now, thinking about what can be done tomorrow, and implementing both will be a learning place for studio students.
The target of the proposal is the Iga Town Southwestern Planning Area. All vacant houses, vacant lots, roads, trees, walls, etc. that may be able to obtain the cooperation of the real estate owner within the scope of the plan.
Igacho is located in the urban area within a 5-minute walk from Sano Station, and is characterized by including areas where the municipality has not touched for development. Narrow paths, old fences, and some trees that pop out onto the road are still wildly kept. Project sites for the previous assignment are also located within Igacho. Since the area is also located between Sano Station and Sano-Yakuyoke-Taishi, the temple with an old history that is visited by more than 1 million worshipers at the New Year’s Festival, there is a large flow of people once a year. It’s usually a relatively quiet city, except for the sound of cars on the street.