I-AUD | International Program in Architecture and Urban Design

Meiji Academic Festival Symposium on Tokyo Studies: Culture, Society, Space 2018.11.23

Meiji Academic Festival
23 November 2018
Symposium on Tokyo Studies: Culture, Society, Space

Tokyo is changing. In this symposium, scholars from socio-spatial disciplines discussed several issues related to contemporary Tokyo especially how the city would become after the Olympics 2020. The symposium marks the beginning of the collaborative research project on Tokyo Studies by I-AUD staff members and collaborators. It is divided in two sessions; the first one covers the overall Tokyo from past to present with the discussions on the contemporary issues. The second session discusses Tokyo at the scale of neighbourhood, their characters and different research methods undertaking by our researchers.

Session 1:
Masami KOBAYASHI (Professor, School of Science and Technology, Meiji University) – Chair of session 1
Manuel TARDITS (Professor, School of Science and Technology, Meiji University, I-AUD)
Darko RADOVIĆ (Professor, co+labo Radović, Keio University)
Mark MULLIGAN (Visiting Professor, Hosei University, former Professor at Harvard GSD)

Session 2:
Davisi BOONTHARM (Professor,School of Science and Technology, Meiji University, I-AUD) chair of session 2
Shunya YOSHIMI (Professor, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, the University of Tokyo)
Hiroyuki SASAKI (Associate Professor, School of Science and Technology, Meiji University)
Teddy KOFFMAN (Teaching Fellow, Harvard GSD)

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Academic Fes 2018
Academic Fes 2018
Academic Fes 2018