I-AUD | International Program in Architecture and Urban Design

Evening Lecture 2013 #1 Ken Tadashi Oshima 2013.04.26 ‒ 19:00


In April 26th 2013, starting 19:00 on Friday night, The First Evening Lecture was held at the Hall on the 5th floor of Meiji University’s Nakano Campus.

Evening Lecture Series is the open public lectures given fully in English, which is to commemorate the new professional program I-AUD (International Program in Architecture and Urban Design) in Meiji University. In each lecture, we invite a professional from architecture and urban design fields as well as from the relating fields.

Today, we were honored to welcome an architectural history and theory scholar Ken Tadashi Oshima, who serves as an associate professor at University of Washington as the opening lecturer. The theme of his lecture
“in between” has covered wide range of intellectual issues such as an internationalization of architecture through his own research and his sense. He has also brought up one of the legendary Japanese architect Sutemi Horiguchi’s master pieces to unveil how Japanese architectures were modern from the past.

The lecture definitely deepened our general understanding of the architecture movement chronologically as he summarized it as past, present and fantasy. During the party after the lecture so called “happy hours”, participants gathered around Dr. Oshima for a casual discussion on design issues