Symposium Architectural Design Education and Internationality of Meiji University 2012.10.12

On September 22nd, 2012, the Department of Architecture of Meiji University held the symposium, “Architectural Design Education and Internationality of Meiji University” at Academy Common on the Surugadai campus.
This symposium aimed to exchange ideas and strategies between the university and leaders of primary architectural design firms in Japan regarding how the education in architecture and urban design should respond to the emerging demand for professionals who can act internationally.
The symposium started with the opening speech by Professor Etusko Katsu, Vice President of Meiji Unviersity and the International Director of Head quarters of International Collaboration., followed by presentations by five panelists, Professor Masami Kobayashi, the Chairman of the Department of Architecture, Mr. Takao Tojo, the Director & Deputy President of Mitsubishi Jisho Sekkei Inc., an alumni of Meiji University, Mr. Yukio Yamada, President & CEO of Kume Sekkei Co., Ltd. and Mr. Masaharu Rokushika, President & CEO of Nihon Sekkei, Inc., and Dr. Hiroyuki Sasaki, Associate Professor of the Department of Architecture.
Following the presentations, Professor Mariko Sonoda moderated the discussions among panelists and vital discussions were held regarding various issues, which included the state of building industry in Japan, strengths of Japanese building industry, and the demands from the industry to the academia. The symposium was concluded that to educate professionals who can act internationally through industry-academia collaboration is essential.